Running tap of water in a garden “Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink,” wrote the poet Coleridge inThe Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” bemoaning the lack of this precious liquid.

In April, it was reported that Johannesburg, with its 5 million inhabitants, was hit with water issues. The problem is said to be due to poor infrastructure, criminality, sabotage, and corruption.

NAD Afrikanachrichten pointed out in their 19.7. news report that Lesotho`s water is both a blessing and a curse. For two decades, the Mountain Kingdom has exported water to South Africa, in particular, to the area around Johannesburg. Sadly, the majority of Lesotho`s people have not benefited from the annual €180 billion fee. Though their land suffers from drought, the Lesotho Highlands Water Project is planning a major project: a 700-km pipeline that will pump 140 million cubic metres to thirsty Botswana.

It can only be hoped that the needs of the local population will be considered and not ignored, as they have been!

In South Africa, the new Unity Government will monitor how it will cope with various problems.