In 1994, excited South Africans of all groups, persuasions, and backgrounds thronged to the first democratic polls! The African National Congress (founded in 1912!), with its leader, the icon Nelson Mandela, at its head, was set to emerge with a dramatic win! The 63% achieved by the ANC came with the promise of a better life for all after the non-white majority had defeated the white racist minority.
In a few days, thirty years later, the county will again vote in a democratic election on May 29th. Yet this time, the people are expected to punish the ruling ANC, which faces the wrath of the people. The outcome may rob the one-time liberation movement of its place as the ruling party.
The promises, optimism, and hopes of yesteryear have given way to despair due to deep-seated corruption, insufficient economic growth, and poor education, which have caused high unemployment and poverty among Africans, the majority of the population, while whites are in employment with high earnings. The gap between rich and poor is the worst worldwide, with the economy declining since 2011. One-third of the labor force is unemployed, which is the highest rate in countries tracked by the World Bank.
Before 1994, Africans were given few human rights. Oppressed, exploited, and humiliated, they were confined to certain areas, denied land ownership, and denied access to good education, training, and work. This deep injustice had to be rectified. The major push adopted by the ANC was Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BEE). President Cyril Ramaphosahas said he saw BEE as “a must.” His election promise now is the delivery of more jobs.
Sadly, BEE did not deliver the wholesale restitution that was needed. The lofty aims were not reached. A small elite with tight network connections has done well at the expense of the majority. Wealth, as before, is in the hands of a few. The policy failed to transform the lives of Africans or other non-whites.
The outcome of the coming election, with its many issues that need to be resolved, is watched with interest.